Monday, August 13, 2012


Today is the second time we celebrated your birthday with a family hour and a prayer as we always did when you were still alive. We haven't forgotten to meet at least once every after 2 months or 3 months depending on the busyness of our businesses. Today, Arthur and I cancelled our clients from 3P.M. in order to confer.

The other reason why we needed to meet today was a ''message'' from GOD which I needed to tell to our whole family. As you know, my premonitions are not only for me, but for the whole family and for the whole mankind. But I don't need to tell here everything about those, because I'm afraid that GOD will take away all the "talents" HE bestowed on me since I was in the womb of our mother.

Today as part of our celebration, we promised to our Father in Heaven again that no matter what happens to this world and to our lives, we will still continue giving services to our Father. Our faith will never wane. We will never wither.

Today, we renewed our vow to our Father as we celebrated your birthday!

Happy birthday again, brother Bern!


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