Saturday, August 11, 2012


The victim is a bulldog.
The culprit is a porcupine.

Online dictionary defines porcupine as:
"porcupine - relatively large rodents with sharp erectile bristles mingled with the fur"

The dictionary gives this description about the porcupine:
" porcupine [ˈpɔːkjʊˌpaɪn]n (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Animals) any of various large hystricomorph rodents of the families Hystricidae, of Africa, Indonesia, S Europe, and S Asia, and Erethizontidae, of the New World. All species have a body covering of protective spines or quills
[C14 porc despyne pig with spines, from Old French porc espin; see pork, spine]"
Therefore, a porcupine is an animal. A rodent is an animal.
Have you heard of strange behaviours of animals when they smell some dangers?
In this blog, I would like to refresh to you what our scientists did in order to examine the relationships between animals and earthquake. In one of the articles that I read, I got this excerpt:
" Although scientists disagree as to whether animal behavior can be used to predict earthquakes and natural disasters, they all agree that it is possible for animals to sense changes in the environment before humans."
You can read more baout this by following this link:
When I was in elementary, my gandfather talked to me about the behaviours of the animals. My grandfather was a wizard. He had magic to protect his acres of land. Just with his magical powers, he could tell his bambboo whip to slash and to trounce any perpetrators, robbers, thieves, and intruders.

My grandfather also taught me about the behaviours of the animals. He said if I'd see an animal who's behaving strangely, that animal was so scared of something. He said that it could be a danger coming or a disaster coming that made the animals behaved strangely. He told me that I should learn from these animals. Maybe that's one of the reasons why I could understand dogs, cats, butetrflies, and animals that I lived with and made pets in my life. That's one of the reasons why I can train animals without my own formal training from a formal institution, I can train animals especially dogs. Cedie, the pet given to me by my brother Bern, was also trained by me.

Yesterday, August 10th, 2012, I saw a dog running while barking here along the road. He ran so fast that made me worried about what could be happening to him.  He could have bitten  a person that made him crazy, or he could have perceived some dangers that would be coming to humanity.

My intial reaction to that was to send messages to my family members telling them to prepare for the WORST THING THAT MIGHT HAPPEN TO THIS EARTH, SOON.
That dog reminded me of what my grandfather had told me.

 To know more about the sixth sense of dogs, please click this link:

Dogs seem to have a sixth sense when it comes to predicting storms. Long before the skies darken and the rain falls, thunderstorm phobic dogs become agitated, fearful, and clingy. Before we know that a storm is on its way, our dogs may have felt it, heard it, or even smelled it."


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